Happy New Years!
Ever wonder what one year in the life of a cartographer is like? Here is a selection of thirteen of my projects that have been published online this year - a link to the original, public source is provided below each map if you would like to learn more. These focus on work within British Columbia and represent the diverse cross-section of work. A few of these projects were completed out of curiosity on my own personal time, but most of this work was completed for the Planning and Landscape Architecture Group, in the Environmental Assessment Division of Golder Associates' Downtown Vancouver Office. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss how Golder can help you create similar awesome mapping projects! Please share this with your friends and feel free to connect with me on Twitter @AnthonyNSmith.
1. District of West Kelowna Recreational Trails Master Plan (RTMP)
I led the data management and map creation for this comprehensive trail planning project that was adopted by council in December, 2013.Source: http://www.districtofwestkelowna.ca/index.aspx?page=707
2. Walkability Model for Metro Vancouver
I used open-source data to calculate this new walkability dataset - I will be expanding this work to cover all of British Columbia in 2014 so check back soon for more updates.
Green = More Walkable, Red =Less Walkable, No colour = Not Walkable
Source: http://healthycitymaps.blogspot.ca/2013/10/walkmap-preview.html
3. Transit Commuting Data from Statistics Canada National Household Survey
I have extensive experience downloading, cleaning and mapping data from Statistics Canada, but I was very excited to get new data for my home city about a topic that will be trending in 2014...
Source: http://healthycitymaps.blogspot.ca/2013/11/CommutingData.html
4. BC Commuter Challenge Results
I worked with Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST) to analyze participation data for their annual behaviour change challenge.
Source: http://healthycitymaps.blogspot.ca/2013/11/CommuterChallenge.html
5. Carvolth Neighbourhood Concept Plan District Energy Feasibility Model
This model integrated conceptual land use designations and development parcels to quantify projected build out by building type. The energy requirements of these buildings were then combined to evaluate the feasibility of installing a district energy system.Source: http://sei.info.yorku.ca/files/2013/04/YorkAlexBostonBCPerspective.pdf
6. Surrey Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP): Building Energy Intensity and Vehicle Kilometres Traveled (VKT) Modelling
This CEEP provides a guide to reduce community energy spending and greenhouse gas emissions in the City of Surrey. Specifically these maps show energy intensity (measured in gigajoules per square metre of floor area) can drops by 1/3 due to higher standards in senior government building codes, capacity building, local building retrofit programs, and incentives and driving distance per household can drop by 7% due to more transit use and more walking and cycling. Overall, the lowest GHG emissions are in higher density areas well served by high quality transit and located close to employment and local services.Source: http://www.surrey.ca/energyshift/files/CEEP_-_Part_2_Taking_Action_-_Buildings_District_Energy_and_Waste.pdf (Pages 61 and 85)
7. 2011 Census Population Density in the City of Vancouver
My goal with this project was to create a beautiful map template that could be used to map any city in Canada to assist with diverse planning projects undertaken by the Golder Sustainable Communities Group.
Source: http://healthycitymaps.blogspot.ca/2013/11/2011-census-population-density-at-three.html
8. Industrial Land Supply and Demand Study for the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN)
The figures below show consolidated actual land use and identified industrial areas within the RDN.Source: http://rdn.bc.ca/cms/wpattachments/wpID2851atID5413.pdf
9. Woodfibre Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Environmental Assessment Project Description
Woodfibre Natural Gas Limited is proposing to construct and operate a liquefied natural gas facility (LNG) located seven kilometres southwest of Squamish, British Columbia, on the northwestern shoreline of Howe Sound. The proposed project includes the development of a natural gas liquefaction facility and an LNG transfer facility to enable the export of the LNG product to global markets via marine vessels. It is expected to operate for approximately 25 years and to produce between 1.5 and 2.1 million tonnes of LNG per year. More Information here: http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/document-eng.cfm?document=97109Source: http://www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca/050/documents/p80060/97119E.pdf
10. BURNCO Aggregate Project Environmental Assessment Draft Application Information Requirements
Source: http://a100.gov.bc.ca/appsdata/epic/html/deploy/epic_document_355_36057.html
11. Future Land Use Maps for District of Mackenzie Official Community Plan (OCP)
I created these high precision legal GIS data layers and stylized these maps to be included in the new OCP.Source: http://www.district.mackenzie.bc.ca/Files/Docs/MIM/DRAFT_OCP_District_of_Mackenzie.pdf (Pages 51 and 52)
12. Vancouver Community Gardens and Food Trees
I used open data from the City of Vancouver to created this map - it generated more online buzz than any other map I have ever created!
Source: http://healthycitymaps.blogspot.ca/2013/11/vancouver-community-gardens-food-trees.html
13. Climate Change Impact Mapping for Greeley Creek Watershed Source Protection Plan
A key positive result of the study is the creation of more accurate maps of the watershed area. The new maps provide much more detailed information about exactly what’s located in the watershed, including the creeks that feed into Greeley Creek, and the past and present human activity in the area. The report also looks forward at climate change scenarios. Map 1 shows the study area and map 8 shows the modelled impacts of climate change - I am very proud do have developed this innovative visualization technique to show temperature and precipitation changes and look forward to evaluating climate change impacts for other projects in the near future.Source: http://www.scribd.com/doc/172893346/City-of-Revelstoke-Greeley-Creek-Watershed-Source-Protection-Plan-2013
Thanks for looking! Please post a comment below if you have any questions or thoughts and subscribe to my blog for future updates in 2014.