I am pleased to share the following interactive map that displays the estimated gross floor space index (FSI) for every parcel in downtown Toronto. This is based on the intersection of 3D massing data and parcel data obtained from the City of Toronto open data portal. Click on any parcel to see the FSI:
This work builds on the following maps that I published to Twitter last week:
In addition, I also conducted an analysis of the difference between the current as-of-right density allowed by zoning, and the existing built density. The maps below show the 'unbuilt' density for the central city area:
This is a highly experimental analysis so I am sure there are many minor issues with the exact accuracy of the data per parcel. For example this is gross density, based on the total building height, so it does not reflect the exclusion of mechanical areas or community spaces that usually exempt from traditional net FSI calculations used by the city for approvals. But overall, the patterns provide a starting point for understanding where redevelopment is most likely to occur based on the current zoning.
In addition, these data illustrate the fact that current zoning by-laws are out of date and do not reflect the Official Plan land use designation. If we want to encourage growth in the centre areas of the city, we must up-zone these areas to reduce the barriers to development. However, we need to have proper inclusionary zoning policies in place to ensure adequate supply of amenities including affordable housing and other community benefits that would traditionally be secured through Section 37 agreements negotiated at the time of rezoning.
I would love to hear your feedback on this project - contact me on Twitter @HealthyCityMaps or comment using the form below.